Friday, May 6, 2016

My Momma

One of my lovely friends inspired me to write a piece about my momma. Perfect timing with Mother's Day on Sunday. As most of you know I have always been fiercely close to my mom. There was a short stint in middle school/high school,  where I became disillusioned of how wonderful my momma was, but come my first semester of college and I just knew I was a lucky one. 

My mom has taught me many things in my life. And now that I'm a mother myself, I am starting to relay those lessons to my girls. 

1) When you're worried...pray. My mom did a great job of always keeping us involved at church. My parents picked a small, simple church in Westlake to attend, purely because they had a children's sermon and they loved the pastors taking the time to relate the lesson of the day to the kids. My mom's faith and walk with God grew over the years and there became a point when she was completely enraptured by His word. When I'd call and complain about various issues, she'd say, "Lauren you need to pray about it." Sometimes this would frustrate me, but of course, momma is always right. Her walk inspired me to enrich my walk. And now I will pass this on to my girls in their walks.

2) Celebrate. I always loved how my mom had such a zest for life. She wanted to celebrate everything. Every holiday had it's decorative pieces adorned in her home. We'd whip up a fun menu...always starting with a cocktail and never leaving a detail unnoticed. This helped me become the aspiring cook that I am and just learning to appreciate and celebrate life. 

3) Orange. My mom loves orange. Her lips are always lathered with bright orange lipstick as well as her nails, the same color polish. I grew up fascinated by her wardrobe, always decorated in bright color. I loved that. Her smile would flash a bright sunny smile and my heart felt content. I developed my own sense of fashion learning from my mom, I chose bright colors and bold designs rather than black or beige. This also taught me how important it is to invest in yourself and what makes you feel good. 

4) Work hard. My mom and I are different in a lot of ways...she raised a very strong, vocal, daughter. But one quality we both have instilled in us is the ability to work hard. My mom is one of the hardest workers I know, she is always up on time, paints on her exterior and is at work early, does exactly what she needs to do, usually stays late and is always accommodating her clients. And she has no easy job, on her feet all day long, loyally listening to each client's story and as genuine as can be back. She always shows up, rarely (like maybe once ever) called in sick...she's a doer. And there's so much to admire from that. I will always teach my girls the importance of hard work and earning your way in the world. 

5) Momma Bear. My mom had some tough times as a mother. But she never ever let it phase her as a mom to my brother and I. She slapped on her smile and busied us with crafts, trips, meals, and special moments with her. She made the most ordinary of days extraordinary. When my parents were in the brunt of their divorce, I never once saw my mom break down. I never saw her falter. Now I know on the inside she was shattered, but she always remained strong for Chase and I. I am in awe of her ability to be so strong. Marriage isn't easy for anyone, and being able to always put Chase and I first will be something I'll always be thankful for from my mom in my childhood. A distinct memory I have is my mom playing the cd, My Name is Barbara by Barbara Streisand or The BodyGuard Soundtrack with Whitney Houston...she would turn the music up and belt out the lyrics, I soon followed suit. Now when we play either cd together we sing as tears stream down our faces. My mom is sentimental about a lot, and I love that. I started these mother/daughter traditions with Halen and they're preciously priceless.

6) Travel. Mom always taught me the importance of appreciating new places and getting enveloped in new cultures. Since my mom was from Michigan, 
we'd go there often. It was an entirely new place than Texas. And it has the most special place in my heart now. {One reason our second daughter's middle name is Charlevoix....from our love of Michigan.} But we'd venture all over, my mom taught us how to camp, be outdoorsy, to pick ourselves up by our bootstraps and get stuff done. My brother and I love nature because of my mom exposing us and teaching us about it. Whether we went to New Hampshire, Canada, Colorado, Maine, Port Aransas, New York would teach us how to get our hands dirty and have fun the non-tourist way. I distinctly remember a time we went camping in Acadia Park in Canada, it was cold and pouring rain. I woke up in the tent with water surrounding my pillow. I heard happy humming right outside our tent. I peer outside, and there's my mom drinking her coffee, humming away, making pancakes under the tarp as it rains overhead. She always makes the best of any situation. And I cherish that.

7) Sacrifice & Selflessness. My mom has always shown me the epitome of motherhood...sacrifice & selflessness. From my constant natural neediness as a baby, to just needing her hugs as a toddler, needing the perfect skirt, needing the wrinkles out of my leggings before horse-riding lessons, needing those shoes, needing the homework I accidentally forgot at home, needing my athletic uniform washed right now, needing to go to that concert, needing that necklace, and then as my self-righteous, demanding, naive brain started realizing what life was really about I was back to just needing my mom. Needing her presence, I was honored just to spend time with her. She's always the first person I want to call, first person I want to tell, first person I want an opinion from, the one who always makes me feel better no matter what. The one that knows what I need more than I do sometimes. Her sacrifice and selflessness are even more important to me now that I'm a mom. Being a mother is no easy task, and to do it wholly, unconditionally, full of love all the time, always putting your kids first (healthfully of course), is inspiring and has shown me how I need to be as a mom. Yes there are nights when I feel like I'm moments from unraveling, but I stare into my daughter's eyes and my angst melts away...she makes every moment worth it. Every sacrifice. Every moment I put her ahead of myself. And I gained that from my momma, who was that way for me. 

My mom is one of my absolute favorite people in the world. I am honored to be her daughter, and now best friend. I feel so lucky that she was paired with me in this life. 

I love you momma. 

Love, Lauren Pie

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