Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Pardon me dear smoker

This has been on my mind since I was pregnant with my first baby over two years ago. Why is it that in our society today it is more than acceptable to move aside and make room for smokers? Even when study after study after study has been done to show how dangerous smoking is for them, but ahem what about everyone around them? Second-hand smoke can be just as dangerous and yet, we non-smokers are supposed to move for the smokers?? And why because we don't want to hurt their feelings? Come on.

Smoking cigarettes has always hit a sensitive spot for me. My Oma died from lung cancer 20 years ago...and I just never got it. It was the opposite of attractive, cool, or was flat out gross. I never tried a cigarette and I'm so glad I can tell my girls that when we have these discussions when they're older.

But what really got under my skin was when I was pregnant and I would have to remove myself from a certain area because people were smoking. Doesn't that seem a little backwards? Why can't the people who are knowingly harming themselves move? Instead of now putting everyone else in danger. Because our society is all about protecting or pardoning those who shouldn't be instead of just standing up and changing it. No...if you want to smoke and die from cancer, you can do that on your own thank you. I and my unborn baby will not be going down with you, nor shall we move from our comfortable spot. You move. You chose this disgusting, harmful you pay the consequences.

Rant over.

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