Wednesday, May 18, 2011

There's a fire starting in my heart

Everyday I walk around with an open-mind (well I try) to understand people. Some days I am a big fan of people, other days I want to crawl under my covers and wait out for the day to end. It's amazing to me that with all the technology, knowledge, creativity, versatility and hardwork that we have obtained since America was inhabited we are still having issues with easily avoidable problems. Like obesity, allergies, teen pregnancy, pollution, starvation. With all the people who have millions or billions of dollars, why do we have countries who can't even drink fresh water? Or sleep on a bed?

America is supposed to be the land of the free, the place where for centuries people sold everything they owned to travel across the Atlantic Ocean to take part in this "free" country. The place where our forefathers took pride in the land we created. The new start to a new way of living, a healthful, happy, free way of life. What has happened now? Are we free? After watching the eye-opening documentaries Food, Inc. and Tapped. I certainly did not feel free. I felt deceived, I felt suffocated, I felt enraged that our government was allowed to hide valuable information from us.

 So that beef you cooked last night...did you know it was not only doped up on hormones, covered in feces and lived a miserable life but was then slaughtered and thrown into ammonia to avoid E. Coli? But the FDA does not feel it is necessary to tell you that information. Hm...does that bother anyone? So if they aren't telling us that they are throwing a chemical we keep locked away from our children under the sink into our food...what else do you think they are hiding? If we do not stand up and fight for our rights as free Americans our country is quickly going to become a socialist, totalitarian country where we have no rights. They'll brainwash us into thinking everything is right but it will not be...anyone remember reading 1984 in school? If we do not encourage each other to speak up against this idiocracy we will lose this war.

A fire has certainly started in my heart. Hopefully after reading this one has started in yours. Write your mayor, your congressman, your state representative...demand healthy food in schools, demand to know what is being put into our food, demand against hormones or abusing animals and abusing the people who work in the meat-packing companies. Demand justice. Demand the truth.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Looking For a New Direction

Living in North Texas is certainly an eye-opener if you are committed to living a healthy lifestyle that does not include diet sodas, energy wasting, tree-killing and gossiping tactics. I swear every time I walk through the workroom someone else has left the bathroom light on...clearly a lazy move. The lunch breaks consist of constant speak of my co-workers children, about all the commercial-chain restaurants they ate at over the weekend or all the money-wasting they've done.

It's days like these when I sit back and ask I the only one who gives a shit? Our planet is dying, our children are becoming more allergic, our parents are developing diseases XYZ and has anyone changed their lifestyle? Nope.

So my fiance and I have started exploring options to teach and live over seas. Apparently, Sweden is one of the number one places to live a healthful, better quality life. That is certainly what we are in search for. Life is so precious and there are millions of opportunities...I just cannot see myself living in these flat plains where the wind nearly knocks me off my feet every time I step out the door onto a crumbled water bottle...THERE MUST BE MORE OUT THERE! If you are reading this, I inspire you to do what you want not what you feel like you have to do. Life is too short!