Friday, August 12, 2011

Beyond frustration: "If our oceans die, we die"

My weakest characteristic is my compassion...I love life, I love embracing the beauty God created around me, I pride myself on being an activist, an environmentalist, a recycler, a maintainer of our beautiful planet, a dreamer of goodness and a believer in change...but there are moments when my compassion brings me to my knees with sadness.

Recently, I watched an episode of Whale Wars and was just awestruck at how ruthless these Japanese "Research" whaling ships are. They do not care about our wildlife, they outright shoot a beautiful whale in his head and pull him onboard to cut this poor, precious, amazing animal up into tiny pieces. They call this research?!?!?! By this point, tears are streaming down my face trying to comprehend how anyone can do this, they have no soul, no compassion, no sympathy whatsoever. My sadness and shock quickly turns to utter rage. I quickly looked up the website for this so-called "research organization" and wrote them a very raw, blunt email expressing my feelings. Unfortunately, this email will probably be discarded and never read. The lyrics written by William Corgan in the band, Smashing Pumpkins resonates in my mind..."Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage." I feel helpless.

What do we do when we come to points like this in life? It's times like these I feel incredibly helpless...what can I do to help?? I joke with my husband that if I hadn't met him I would've joined the Whale Wars ship and fought for the lives of whales in Antarctica. But now that I'm married, my heart is torn trying to make a difference in this world. I never feel like I am doing enough. Luckily, I do have a wonderful, supportive, unconditional husband who, during times such as this, he reminds me that I impact everyone around me...every time I choose to recycle, use reusable water bottles instead of purchasing dangerous plastic ones, give back to the community, shop at our local farmer's market, volunteer, donate to charity...I teach those around me to follow suit. Hearing this helps a bit...but my giving heart never feels as if I am doing enough.

On the bright side it seems after six years that the Sea Shepherd and Paul Watson's crew has finally made some progress on ending whaling in Antarctica. After their sixth voyage the Japanese Whaling Ship decided to cut their trip short, complaining that the Sea Shepherd was putting their workers at risk. FINALLY! The Japanese Whaling quota was not met...which means whales were spared. In the gloomy darkness there is always a gleam of hope.

Recently I discovered a new search engine, which works better than any other and will donate money to your charity of choice just by simply doing research! This is the best part of being human, we have the ability to give back to our community, to create change, to make a difference in this world. Join me in vowing to change this planet for the better, to help preserve this Garden of Eden for our future children and grand-children...before it's too late.

xo Lo